Valley Luxury Partners

VLOG #101: Does Your Home Show Well?

Watch the first episode in our new VLOG series to find out if your home shows well and what our founder thinks about it all…

Conventional real estate wisdom is: The best homes show better in person and bad homes show better in videography and photography. In my personal opinion, the caveat to this advice is that good homes show well—both in person and in video or photography.

Assuming you work with a specialist who knows real estate, especially with luxury homes, a great home with amazing design features can look flat without the right equipment and lighting. Also, I’ve seen listings that focus on the worst features of the house including dark closets and disorganized pantries, to the detriment of other outstanding features.

Bottom line: You need to visit a house regardless of the videography or photography to make a good decision on whether to proceed.

Interested in getting more real estate advice? Check out our blog post: The Pennywise and Pound Foolish Approach to Buying and Selling Luxury Real Estate.


As the founder of Valley Luxury Partners, Robert represents discerning buyers and sellers of luxury real estate in select markets in Arizona.

Valley Luxury Partners is driven by a desire to preserve and protect the privacy of our clients throughout the entire real estate sales process. One might consider our founder, Robert, a triple threat. As a former wealth manager, commercial real estate attorney and real estate investor, he was particularly groomed for real estate sales. Robert leverages his deep experience and knowledge to confidently and discreetly guide his client’s luxury real estate needs.


©2022 Valley Luxury Partners (VLP). All Rights Reserved. VLP fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act. Robert Altshuler is the Designated Broker of VLP and a licensed attorney in Arizona. Nothing in this blog should be construed as legal advice or creating an attorney client relationship. This blog is not intended to solicit properties already listed for sale or intended to cause a breach of an existing agency relationship.